Why Attending MACC 2024 is the Smartest Investment You Can Make for Your Startup’s Future


As a startup founder, every decision you make shapes the future of your business. From securing funding to refining your pitch, the right choices can accelerate growth. With venture capital events and entrepreneur conferences happening across the country, one event stands out as a game-changer for ambitious startups: the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Capital Conference (MACC). Taking place in less than 20 days, this premier event offers unmatched opportunities to invest in your startup’s future. Here’s why MACC 2024 should be at the top of your list this year.

1. Unparalleled Access to Investors at MACC 2024

At any entrepreneur conference, meeting investors is a top priority, and MACC 2024 doesn’t disappoint. With Office Hours with Investors, you’ll have exclusive opportunities to connect one-on-one with venture capitalists, angel investors, and industry leaders. Whether you’re seeking funding for early-stage growth or scaling up, MACC’s investors are actively searching for the next big thing. These conversations could be the key to unlocking your startup’s growth potential.

2. Learn from Industry Leaders and Successful Entrepreneurs

At the core of any great entrepreneur conference in 2024 are sessions that provide valuable insights and learning opportunities. MACC’s brand-new Entrepreneur Track features sessions like Ecosystem-Led Growth. Moderated by Bob Moore, CEO, Crossbeam (and author of Ecosystem-Led Growth: A Blueprint for Sales and Marketing Success Using the Power of Partnerships) where founders and business leaders will share strategies for leveraging networks to fuel your startup’s success. Learn from real-world success stories (including those from companies from the Mentor Connect program – a partnership between PACT and Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA) and gain practical advice that can shape your strategy for the future.

Bob Moore speaks at a 2024 Mentor Connect event on Ecosystem Led Growth

3. Pitch Perfect: Refine Your Startup Pitch and Gain Investor Interest

Josh Mastromoto of Rego presents to the Lions in the 2023 Lion’s Den at the 2023 Mid-Atlantic Capital Conference

Perfecting your pitch is essential for any entrepreneur, and MACC 2024 gives you a front-row seat to the most exciting venture capital event of the year: The Lion’s Den. Watching entrepreneurs present to seasoned investors and hearing real-time feedback can give you critical insights into what investors look for. Even if you’re not presenting this year, the lessons learned will help you refine your own presentation for future opportunities at other entrepreneur conferences in 2024.

Please note: Final investment commitment contingent upon due-diligence post conference. This is added for selected companies to understand that due diligence is required post conference.

4. Expand Your Network with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs

Attending a top entrepreneur conference in 2024 isn’t just about content—it’s about connections. MACC 2024 brings together hundreds of entrepreneurs, investors, and advisors for structured and informal networking opportunities. From the networking breakfast to the closing reception, you’ll meet the people who can help you grow—whether it’s through partnerships, mentorship, or even investment.

With rapid changes in technology, healthcare, and life sciences, staying ahead of trends is essential for startups. At MACC 2024, you’ll get first-hand insights into the latest innovations and business strategies. From featured company presentations to expert panels, you’ll gain knowledge that can help you adapt and stay competitive. By attending this leading entrepreneur conference in 2024, you ensure your startup stays ahead of the curve.

6. Investing in Your Future Starts Now

Attending MACC 2024 is more than just a one-day commitment; it’s an investment in your startup’s future. The connections you make, the knowledge you gain, and the exposure you receive can have a lasting impact on your business. For any entrepreneur, attending a top entrepreneur conference in 2024 is a decision that can yield long-term dividends in terms of growth, funding, and success.

With less than 20 days until MACC 2024, the time to invest in your startup’s future is now. Join us in Philadelphia on October 29-30, and take the next step toward growing your business.

Learn how you can get connected to companies, thought leaders, and business networking.

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