Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission posted an RFI (6100011576) Traveler Info Displays – Service Plazas

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has posted an RFI (6100011576) Traveler Info Displays – Service Plazas. Responses are due January 25, 2024.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (Commission) is seeking information from the marketing, advertisement, and transportation information technology industries to assist in its evaluation of options for the deployment of its next-generation traveler information displays at the Commission’s 17 service plazas.
The Commission is issuing and administering this Request for Information (RFI) as an opportunity for entities (“Respondents”) to provide information about display options, technology advances, applicable hardware choices, and recommended innovative approaches, as well as their capabilities to install, operate, maintain, market and manage the Commission’s next-generation traveler information display. Please note, the Commission is open to the discussion of all hardware and technology options, which do not have to be wall mounted.
Please visit this link for more information Vendor Portal (