Apprenti PHL

Apprenti and the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technology (PACT) have joined forces to bolster apprenticeship programs across Pennsylvania, specifically focusing on empowering underrepresented individuals. Our collaboration has evolved beyond providing free training exclusively for software analysts and web developers; it now includes cybersecurity and business analyst training.


Apprenti is selected as a solution to tackle tech talent shortages and promote diversity in the industry. By leveraging their apprenticeship framework, they offer an alternative pathway to tech careers, identifying and training individuals from underrepresented groups. This not only addresses skills gaps but also provides economic mobility, aligning with government initiatives like the Department of Labor Apprenticeship Ambassador program and the Advisory Council of Apprenticeships For America.

national impact

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How does apprenti phl work?

Apprenti PHL offers a meticulously designed 15-month apprenticeship program tailored to foster growth and learning for software analysts and web developers, providing full-time, paid employment to each apprentice. From the very first day, apprentices are fully immersed in their roles, beginning their professional journeys with a comprehensive 14-week accredited training program that lays the foundational groundwork for their development. To ensure their success and seamless integration into company culture, we assign each apprentice an existing company employee as a mentor. This mentor diligently guides them through the nuances of their new role, offering invaluable insights and experience. Our program includes 10-20 carefully vetted apprentices per cycle, guaranteeing a high-quality, focused approach to professional development.

Furthermore, Apprenti PHL partners enjoy significant talent recruitment savings. As a partner, PACT leads the efforts in marketing, recruiting, and training apprentices within your company, simplifying the otherwise complex and costly process of talent acquisition. This comprehensive approach not only cultivates a new generation of skilled employees but also fortifies our partners’ teams with motivated, trained, and dedicated individuals poised to contribute to their success.

Employer Partner benefits

Benefits include:

  • Up to $40k from the PA Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act
  • Federal tax credits with the Work Opportunity Tax Credits when hiring from certain groups who consistently face significant barriers to employment
  • Extra support for veterans in apprenticeships through the GI Bill
  • Talent recruitment savings – PACT markets, recruits, and trains apprentices for partner companies

Explore Apprenti PHL benefits now

Discover partner program benefits! Explore how PACT and Apprenti PHL enhance your business growth and foster a positive workplace culture with our paid apprenticeship program.