Jawnt launches debit card for nationwide commuter benefits access

With the Jawnt Pass, cardholders can access pre-tax dollars for transit or parking purchases anywhere in the United States.
PHILADELPHIA, February 13, 2024 — Jawnt, a transportation technology company working to modernize commuter benefits, announced today the launch of the Jawnt Pass, a Visa-backed commuter debit card that allows cardholders to spend pre-tax dollars on transit and/or parking costs anywhere in the United States.
As organizations evolve to support a more remote workforce, they’ll need to offer benefits that can serve employees across several geographic locations. With the Jawnt Pass, employers can apply one commuter benefit offering to all employees nationwide, whether they frequent the subway in New York, park at a Park & Ride lot in Chicago, or take a ride with any transit network in-between. Cardholders enjoy easy access to their pre-tax transit and parking funds for purchases anywhere debit cards are accepted, and can load the Jawnt Pass onto Apple Wallet or Google Pay for easy mobile access.
“The Jawnt Pass is a debit card built for commuters, by commuters,” said Jawnt CEO & Co-Founder Jeff Stade. “Our passion for and experience with public transit is what enables Jawnt to offer the dedicated customer support, catered user experience and modern payment features that traditional commuter debit cards have long neglected to provide.”
In a blog post shared to the company’s website, Stade said most legacy transit benefits providers “don’t have any regard” for the experience of using transit, and will often reap the most profits when benefits card balances are left untouched.
“We don’t want commuters to carry unreasonably high balances on their Jawnt Pass–we want people to use it,” he wrote. “Our success as a business doesn’t come from investing unspent balances, but from building better commutes that are supported by comprehensive benefits, data-backed recommendations, and a passionate team of transit experts.”
The Jawnt Pass is a significant step forward in Jawnt’s nationwide market expansion into cities like Atlanta, San Francisco and Chicago. Jawnt’s hometown of Philadelphia is currently its largest market, with more than 100,000 local riders enrolled in transit benefits through the Jawnt platform. Jawnt works closely with Philadelphia transit agency SEPTA as the technology partner for its corporate fare program, SEPTA Key Advantage. Jawnt was also key in helping local companies adjust to a new commuter benefits mandate imposed by the City in 2023. The companies that have worked with Jawnt in Philadelphia can now extend unified commuter benefits to all of their U.S. employees through the Jawnt Pass, which will serve as a natural segue for the company to enter new markets.
The Jawnt Pass is made available to riders through their employer, university or member organization, and is complementary of Jawnt’s existing offerings. To learn more about the Jawnt Pass, visit jawntpass.com or click here to view the Jawnt media kit.
About Jawnt
Jawnt is a transportation technology company helping more people access public and shared transit through innovative payment options and modern commuter benefits offerings. Jawnt’s Unified Transit Platform and Jawnt Pass debit card enable companies to offer comprehensive transit benefits across their entire organization, equipped with HR/payroll integrations, comprehensive analytics and dedicated customer support. To learn more, visit jawntpass.com.
For all media requests and inquiries, please contact:
Kristin Musulin, Jawnt PR