PACT’s Advocacy Efforts: Supporting Innovation and Economic Growth

At the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT), we are not only dedicated to providing valuable resources, networking opportunities, and support to our members but also to advocating for policies that foster a thriving business environment in Pennsylvania. Our advocacy efforts are designed to ensure that the technology, life sciences, and healthcare sectors in southeastern Pennsylvania continue to grow and contribute to the economic prosperity of the entire Commonwealth.

A Strong Voice for the Tech and Life Sciences Community

PACT serves nearly 400 companies across high-growth technology and life sciences sectors, from leading firms to emerging startups. We collaborate with government consultants and other stakeholders to advance our advocacy efforts, promoting legislation and policies that positively impact our members’ industries. Our focus includes refining business regulations, boosting funding for innovation, and supporting equitable business practices to ensure that our members have the necessary support to innovate, grow, and thrive.

Action Center

Join PACT in advocating for a thriving business environment – use our Action Center to easily contact your elected representatives on issues that impact the business community.

Advocating for Economic Development and Access to Capital

One of our key advocacy areas is promoting policies that ensure startups and emerging companies have access to the capital they need. Dean Miller, PACT President & CEO, recently testified before the Pennsylvania House Finance Committee on House Bill 2226.  Capital is vital for entrepreneurs to develop products, hire employees, and grow their businesses. We support initiatives like the proposed Net Operating Loss (NOL) Transfer Program in Pennsylvania, which can provide crucial financial support to startups, enabling them to innovate and create high-paying jobs, much like the successful program in New Jersey.

Dean Miller, PACT President & CEO, testifying before the Pennsylvania House Finance Committee on House Bill 2226

Championing Workforce Development and Innovation

In addition to advocating for financial policies, PACT is committed to workforce development. We support education and training programs – like our Apprenti PHL program – that prepare the next generation of professionals in tech and life sciences. Our advocacy efforts also extend to promoting a regulatory environment that supports innovation, making it easier for companies to navigate challenges and focus on their core mission of developing cutting-edge technologies and treatments.

Collaborating for Greater Impact

PACT believes in the power of collaboration. We work with industry groups, coalitions, and other stakeholders to amplify our advocacy efforts. By working together, we can achieve greater impact and ensure that the voices of our members are heard at the local, state, and federal levels.

Stay Engaged with PACT’s Advocacy Efforts

We encourage our members to actively participate in our advocacy initiatives. Whether it’s through attending meetings with policymakers, joining our advocacy efforts, or providing input on key issues, your involvement is crucial. Together, we can continue to shape a business environment that supports innovation, economic growth, and job creation in Pennsylvania.

Register for the PACT mailing list to get the latest news, member updates, advocacy efforts, events, and opportunities. Subscribe now and ignite your business growth!